ISAM-Force Locking Within Transaction (Magic xpa 2.x)
If you have ISAM Transactions turned on, then you have the additional option of setting Force Locking Within Transactions on or off.
A Yes value limits access to an ISAM multi-user transaction to one user.
If Force Locking Within Transactions is Yes, then whenever you specify a Locking Strategy that is not None (Immediate, On Modify, Before Update), you must enter a Transaction Begin that is not None. In other words, you cannot lock the record unless there is a transaction active.
If you do set a locking strategy but no transaction begin, then you get a syntax error when you check the program.
Available values: Yes, No
Default: Yes
Change effective: Immediate
Magic.ini and Command Line name: LockWithinTran
How Do I Implement Transactions with ISAM Files?