Character Set to Use
Lets you select the character set of the I/O: ANSI, OEM, Unicode, or UTF-8.
When this property is set to Unicode, Magic xpa will not perform any translation of the character set, since the Magic xpa uses the Unicode convention internally.
When this property is set to ANSI/UTF-8, Magic xpa converts the data from Unicode to ANSI/UTF-8.
If this property is set to OEM, Magic xpa converts the data from Unicode to OEM using the OEM2Unicode translation file. If no file is defined, Magic xpa uses the operating system conversion.
Note: This property is only relevant for File and Requester media.
See also How Do I Create or Read a Unicode Text File?
Determines the number of copies to be printed by the graphic printer.
Note: The Copies property is only enabled when the Graphic Printer is selected from the Media field.
The Copy Expression property holds an expression number, defined in the Expression Editor, that determines the number of copies to be printed from a graphic printer.
Note: The Copies property and the (Copy) Expression property cannot be enabled at the same time.
Flip Line
Controls the flipping of a line as it is exported or imported. It applies to right-to-left applications only.
When set to Yes, the line is flipped. When set to No, the line does not change as it is exported or imported.
The Flip Line property is enabled only when the Visual to Logical Translation property is set to Yes or evaluates to a True value.
I/O Name to Use
Lets you specify an /O device from another program to be used by the current program.
Zoom to the Expression Editor to enter an expression that evaluates to the name of an I/O device. In runtime, Magic xpa will find an I/O device with the name specified in this setting. If such a device is found, it will be used by the current task.
This property enables two different programs to use the same I/O device.
Note that in printing a report, the page header and footer are from the task that originally opened the I/O device. In addition, only the current printed task header forms are printed automatically. The header of the task that originally opened the I/O device is not printed automatically.
See also How Do I Print a Report from Several Programs to the Same I/O Device?
Determines whether the copies will print from a graphic printer as portrait or landscape. Portrait prints from the top of the page to the bottom, while Landscape prints from the left side of the page to the right.
Page Footer Form
Specifies one form from the Form Editor to be used as the page footer. This form will be the automatic output for every new page as the page footer.
Note that in printing a report, the page header and footer are from the task that originally opened the I/O device. In addition, only the current printed task header forms are printed automatically. The header of the task that originally opened the I/O is not printed automatically.
Page Header Form
Specifies one form from the Form Editor to be used as the page header. This form will be the automatic output for every new page as the page header.
Note that in printing a report, the page header and footer are from the task that originally opened the I/O device. In addition, only the current printed task header forms are printed automatically. The header of the task that originally opened the I/O is not printed automatically.
See also:
How Do I Define Page Header and Footer Information?
How Do I Define a Global Page Header or Footer?
Paper Size
Defines the type of paper to be used. This property is available only if you select Graphic Printer as the output media. Click on the combo box to select the paper type.
Defines whether the output will be to a PDF. To view the PDF, you need to have a PDF Viewer installed on your machine.
When this property is set to Yes, a Security button is enabled. When this button is clicked, the PDF Security dialog box opens.

The PDF output is only supported on Windows operating systems.
Unicode characters are not fully supported. Only characters from the OS codepage will be printed.
When printing as a PDF, only Type 1 and TrueType fonts are supported.
To correctly print Hebrew data, add the H modifier to the Format property of the control. Since version: 1.9
To create a PDF for mobile devices, the fonts must be embedded. To create a PDF for the desktop RIA, it is recommended to embed the fonts since otherwise, the RIA client machine requires the fonts to be pre-installed.
See also How Do I Produce PDF Documents?
The Preview property has two uses:
Allows the end user to preview the output of the report, choose a printer, and to print. The valid values are Yes, No, and an expression that returns a logical result. This occurs if the PDF expression evaluates to No.
Displays the PDF (using default PDF reader). This occurs if the PDF expression evaluates to Yes.
Visual to Logical Translation
Controls conversions from visual to logical for the processed data. Applies only to File and Printer media. This property applies to right-to-left applications only.
When set to Yes, the output process of each field is converted from logical to visual. The entire line is converted from visual to logical. The default value is Yes.
When set to No, no conversion occurs.
You can set an expression, from the Expression field. It is required that the expression returns a Boolean value.