I/O Functions (Magic xpa 4.x)
I/O device-related functions are not supported in Rich Client tasks.
Blb2File – Saves a BLOB object to a file.
DirDlg – Returns a full path to a selected directory by opening the Windows Choose Directory dialog box.
EOF – End-of-file signal in an I/O device.
EOP – End-of-page signal in an I/O device.
File2Blb – Saves a file to a BLOB object.
File2OLE – Moves a file to an OLE variable.
FileCopy – Copies a file.
FileDelete – Deletes a file from the disk.
FileDlg – Accesses a Windows Open File dialog box.
FileExist – Checks the existence of a disk file or folder.
FileInfo – Returns the file properties.
FileListGet – Returns a list of the file names in a directory based on a set of file-name filters.
FileOpenDlg - Opens the Windows Open File dialog box and returns the list of selected files.
FileRename – Renames a file or folder.
FileSaveDlg - Opens the Windows Save File dialog box and returns the selected file.
IOCurr – Returns the position of an I/O device in the I/O Device repository.
Line – Returns the current line number in an output I/O device.
Page – Returns the current page number in an output I/O device.
ImageReload - Reloads an image from the disk.
The following functions only appear on this list for Rich Client tasks and in the Main Program:
ClientBlb2File – Gets a BLOB variable and saves the BLOB as a file.
ClientDbDel – Deletes a local data source.
ClientDbDiscnt – Disconnects from a local database.
ClientDirDlg – Opens a Windows Directory dialog box and returns the selected directory.
ClientFile2Blb – Moves a file into a BLOB variable.
ClientFileCopy – Copies a file.
ClientFileDelete – Deletes a file from the disk.
ClientFileExist – Checks whether a specified file exists on a drive
ClientFileInfo – Returns the client file properties.
ClientFileListGet – Returns a list of the file names in a directory based on a set of file-name filters.
ClientFileOpenDlg – Opens a Windows Open File dialog box and returns the selected files.
ClientFileRename – Renames a file.
ClientFileSaveDlg – Opens a Windows Save File dialog box and returns the selected file.
ClientFileToServer – Copies a file from the client to the server.
ClientImageCapture – Captures an image from the camera or gallery.
ClientSQLExecute – Executes an SQL statement on a local database.
ServerFileToClient – Copies a file from the server to the client cache folder.