How Do I Explicitly Roll Back a Transaction? (Magic xpa 2.x)
The main idea behind having transactions is that they can be rolled back ... that is, the data is not committed ... when you decide that should happen. Magic xpa will automatically roll back a transaction under some circumstances, such as if a database error occurred. But you can also manually roll back a transaction based on any event or data condition, by using the Rollback() function. You can get more detailed information from the Magic xpa help, but the function basically works as follows:
Rollback (Message?,Generation)
Message?: If ‘TRUE’Log, there will be a message box asking for user confirmation.
1 will roll back the current transaction.
2 will roll back the parent transaction.
0 will roll back the entire transaction to the beginning (however many levels there are).
The Online and Rich Client Samples projects (program SQ06 and RSQ06)