
How Do I Use Magic xpi to Create a New Customer Record in JD Edwards Enterprise One? (Magic xpi 4.13)

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How Do I Use Magic xpi to Create a New Customer Record in JD Edwards Enterprise One? (Magic xpi 4.13)

To create a basic customer, you need to call the following two standard JDE business functions:

  • N0100041.AddressBookMasterMBF

  • N0100042.MBFCustomerMaster


You first need to use the N0100041.AddressBookMasterMBF function to create the address book record (usually a C type record) and retrieve an address book number (AN8).

  1. Drag a JD Edwards Enterprise One connector into the flow.

  2. Right-click on the step and select Configuration.

  3. In the Module Name property, enter N0100041.

  4. From the Business Function property, select AddressBookMasterMBF.

  5. Open the Data Mapper and enter the following mappings on the Destination side (the first five are mandatory):

The input is:

cActionCode = 'A' (for Add)

cUpdateMasterFile = '1'

cProcessEdits = '1'

szSearchType = 'C' (for Customer)

szAlphaName = [an address book account name]

szSecondaryAlphaName = [a secondary address book account name]

szMailingName = [a mailing name]

szSecondaryMailingName = [a secondary mailing name]

szAddressLine1 = [an address]

szPostalCode = [the postal code]

szCity = [the city]

szState = state code. This must be a valid code in the country.

szCountry = You can leave this as null if you are using the default country for the company.

szPhoneNumber1 = [phone number]

The Output field containing the AN8 is:



You’ll now use the AN8 from the step above to call the N0100042.MBFCustomerMaster function to create a customer record in the F03012.

  1. Drag a JD Edwards Enterprise One connector into the flow.

  2. Right-click on the step and select Configuration.

  3. In the Module Name property, enter N0100042.

  4. From the Business Function property, select MBFCustomerMaster.

  5. You now need to use the AN8 value from the address book function call.

  6. Map the AN8 value to the mnCustomerNumber on the Destination side.

  7. On the Destination side, enter the following minimum mappings:

mnCustomerNumber – the AN8 (Address Book # in the mnAddressBookNumber node) from the previous function

cActionCode – ?A? (for Add)

cUpdateMasterFile – ?1?

cProcessEdits – ?1?
