How Do I Set the Number of Records in a Record Set that are Passed to the Browser? (Magic xpa 4.x)
One of the reasons that the browser client gives good response to the user is that a “chunk” of data is sent to the client, not just the records that are currently visible. This means that when the user scrolls down a table, there is immediate response.
For smaller tables, it isn’t a problem if all the records are sent at once. The records are encrypted and compressed, and they transmit very quickly. However, if the table is very large, then sending all the records can take some time. The ideal size of the “chunk” of records kept in the client cache depends on several factors, including the size of each record, and how much the user is expected to scroll through the data.
If no chunk size is set, then it defaults to 30 for a task with a Main source, or 1 for a task with no Main source.
Go to Task Properties->Advanced.
Zoom from the Chunk size expression field to the Expression Rules.
Press F4 to open up a line. Type in the number of records you want fetched in each chunk.
Click OK to close the Expression Rules and bring back the expression number.
Click OK to close the Task Properties.