
How Do I Manually Create a Magic xpi Internal Database? (Magic xpi 4.13)

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Created BySalesforce Service User
Approval Process StatusPublished

How Do I Manually Create a Magic xpi Internal Database? (Magic xpi 4.13)

To manually create a Magic xpi internal database, you need to run the scripts found in the <Magic xpi>\DB folder. Each database has the necessary scripts in its respective folder.

You need to either edit the Rundb.bat file and run it or execute from the command line with the settings for your database.

To edit the Rundb.bat file:

  1. Replace %1 with the name of the SQL Server.

  2. Replace %2 with the name of the user or use an empty "" bracket if there is no user.

  3. Replace %3 with the password or use an empty "" bracket if there is no password.

  4. Replace %4 with "1" if the command is for a Windows authentication or else use an empty "" bracket.

  5. Replace %5 with the type of database: MSSQL, ORACLE, DB2, DB2400, or MYSQL.

To execute the file from the command line:

  1. Open a Command Prompt.

  2. cd to the DB folder.

  3. In the command line, type rundb, then add the following arguments each separated with a space:

  • The name of the SQL Server.

  • The name of the user (or use an empty "" bracket if there is no user).

  • The password (or use an empty "" bracket if there is no password).

  • "1" if the command is for a Windows authentication or else use an empty "" bracket.

  • The type of database: MSSQL, ORACLE, DB2, DB2400 or MYSQL.

    For example: C:\Magic xpi 4.6\DB>RunDB MSSQLServer sa p@ssword "" MSSQL

  1. Click <enter> to run the batch with its arguments.

When you run the file, the process creates a log file based on the DB type you selected.
