How Do I Limit Execution of Specific Programs? (Magic xpa 3.x)
You can add a Right to each program to prevent it from being executed except by people who have a particular Right.
For instance, suppose we have a program to print paychecks. Very few people get to access this program. We can put a Right on the menu, so this option won’t even show up, but we want to make sure that even most programmers can’t get to it. Here is how we would assign the Right to this program:
Go to the program you want to protect.
Select Options->Authorize. The Rights Assignment box will appear.
Zoom from the Execute/APG field to select the right you want to use.
Now, anyone who does not have this Right cannot execute this program.
While this is a good backup form of protection, it’s best to make it so sensitive programs don’t even show up on the menu unless the person is authorized to run them. You can find out how to do that in How Do I Customize the Menu According to the User Logged On?.
Hint: Since obviously the programmers will have to run this program to test it, it is a good idea to have two different Security files, one for the test environment and one for production. The programmers can then run sensitive programs, but only with test data.