How Do I Include All Data from a Multi-Line Control in My Report? (Magic xpa 4.x)

Sometimes the data on a report will be rather variable. For instance, in our sample report the Title and Starring fields can be very short, or very long. In this sort of instance, it works well to have the data wrap inside one table column.
In Magic xpa, you do this by changing the properties on the field and form to allow them to expand with the data.

For the fields you want to expand, change Control Property->Multi-line edit to Yes.

For the Form that contains the expanding field, change Form Properties->Expand form to Multi-page.
Now the table row will expand when the data will not fit on one row.
Note: Sometimes in the Print Previewer, the last line of the wrapped field will not show correctly. This is an issue with the Print Previewer, but the report will work correctly when it goes to a printer.
The Online and Rich Client Samples projects (program RP07 and RRP07)