How Do I Force a Handler to Use the Newly Updated Values That Have Not Yet Been Committed? (Magic xpa 4.x)

When you are working in a handler, the values of the variables are not actually updated until you leave the handler. That means, if virtuals are updated within a handler that is tied to a field, the values do not show up onscreen to the user until the user leaves the field.
In other cases, you might want the record to be updated before actions in the handler are completed. This might be the case, for example, if you are calling another program to print an order you are still editing. You want the printing program to print the most committed record.
You can handle these sorts of situations by using the “Force Exit” column of the Events repository. The exact way each of these work is spelled out in the Magic xpa Help system, but in practice, you can experiment and use the Debugger for your particular program. Force Exit = Editing works for most “field update” issues.
The Online and Rich Client Samples projects (program EH01 and REH01)