How Do I Execute a Set of Operations After a Time Interval? (Magic xpa 4.x)
It is often the case that you will want to have a process that operates based on some amount of elapsed time. For instance, you might want to check a mail queue every few minutes.
In Magic xpa this would be done using a Timer event. In our example, we are updating an onscreen clock every 2 seconds.

Go to the location where you want to raise the event.
Type R to create a Raise Event operation. The Event box will appear.
Go to the Event Type field. Select Timer.
Go to the Event field. Type in the amount of time you want to elapse between iterations of the event. The format is HH:MM:SS. In our example, we entered 00:00:02, so the event will be triggered every 2 seconds.
Now, the event will be triggered according to the time interval you entered.
The Online and Rich Client Samples projects (program EH09 and REH09)