How Do I Define the Location of the .ini? (Magic xpa 4.x)
By default, when Magic xpa starts, it will use the file called “Magic.ini” located in the same directory as the .edp file. If that does not exist, it will use the “Magic.ini” file located in the Magic xpa installation directory.
However, you can override this behavior and locate the Magic.ini file wherever you like, and in fact use a different name if you like. This is often done to provide a specific login for certain users (such as testers or programmers) that is different from the default login.
Here is now to do it.

Create or copy your startup icon.
In the Target field, add the location of your Magic.Ini file. This is done using the syntax:
<Magic xpa .exe file> /INI=<ini file name>
Which in our example is:
"C:\Program Files\MSE\Magic xpa x.x\MgxpaStudio.exe"
You can also do this using a .bat file or other script file.