How Do I Define a .NET Object? (Magic xpa 4.x)

In order to use a .NET object, it must first be defined in a variable.
In the Data View tab, create a Virtual variable.
Select the .NET data attribute.
In the .NET variable properties, enter the Object Type.
Here, you have some options. If you are used to using .NET in other programming languages and want to just type the text name, or use copy/paste, you can do that. Just enter the name exactly, remembering that case and spaces count.

On the other hand, if are not sure what you want, don’t feel like typing, or want to explore the various options, you can use the Magic xpa selection lists. After you type the dot (.), a list of options will appear. Scroll to the one you want, and press Enter. Repeat at the next dot (.).
You can also use aliases for libraries that you access often, which will save you some typing.
Now, you have created your .NET object, and it is ready for use. Your next step will be to place it on a form, or to use it in an event.
Note: You can use a model to shortcut most of this work. Using a model is preferable because it gives you an easy way to find where a given .NET object is used.
The Online and Rich Client Samples projects (program NE01 and RNE01)