How Do I Define a .NET Control? (Magic xpa 4.x)

Some .NET objects work behind the scenes, but others show up for the user, in a Form control. Magic xpa makes it easy to handle .NET interactive controls.
To use a .NET control, you first need to specify its object type in either a model or a variable.
If this is to be a visible control, then it must be a System.Windows.Forms.Control object type.
Create your .NET model and define its object type.
Place a .NET control on the form and assign the .NET control model to it.
Since version: 2.1
Create your .NET variable and define its object type.
Now, you can just select the variable from the Variables pane, and place it on your form.
After placing the .NET control, you can set the various properties. For example, in the case of the Calendar, setting the Placement properties so it expands to the right and down (0,100,0,100) will cause more months to appear to the user.
How Do I Change the Properties of a .NET Control?
The Online and Rich Client Samples projects (program NE01, NE11 and RNE01, RNE11)