How Do I Copy a Task as a Subtask? (Magic xpa 4.x)
Sometimes you will have a program that is actually only called by one other program. In this case, it is often easier to understand the program flow if you make that program into a subtask. Here is how you do it.
In the Navigator pane, select the task you want.
On the right-click menu, select Copy.

Go to the program you want to copy this task into.
In the Navigator pane, select the task that will be the parent or sibling of the task you are going to copy.
On the right-click menu, select Paste (Ctrl+V) to paste the task as a child, or Paste as Sibling to paste it as a sibling.
When you are done, the program will be copied as a subtask. You will probably want to cleanup the parameters and window positioning, but you will be mostly done.