How Do I Access an XML Document Stored in a Magic xpa Data Variable? (Magic xpa 4.x)
You can use the XML view to access an XML document directly from a BLOB, without converting that BLOB to a file first.

Specify your Main Source as your XML view.
Go to the Properties of the Main Source (Alt+Enter).
Go to the XML Source variable, zoom (F5) to the Variable list.
Select the BLOB that contains your XML document.
Now you can use the XML document in the same way you would as if it were in a file.
See also the How Do I Create Different XML Docs Based on the Same Schema? topic.

If you are using the XML functions rather than the XML data views, you can use a BLOB in the Exp/Var column of the I/O Device name.
Press Ctrl+I to access the I/O Devices.
Press F4 to open up a line.
Select Variable in the Media column.
In the Exp/Var column, select the BLOB you want to access.
Now, you can use this I/O device in the XML functions. You will refer to it by the generation (0 for the current task, 1 for the parent, etc.) and the sequence number of the file (here, it is 1, but you may have more I/O devices in your task).
How Do I Handle an XML Document with No Schema?
The Online and Rich Client Samples projects (program XM10 and RXM10)