
How Can I Monitor My Project Using Salesforce? (Magic xpi 4.9)

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Created BySalesforce Service User
Approval Process StatusPublished

How Can I Monitor My Project Using Salesforce? (Magic xpi 4.9)

The Magic xpi monitoring utility gives you a high level view of the health of your Magic xpi clusters.

You can monitor your Magic xpi environments, view running projects, receive alerts, and get chatter notification about various events. This topic explains how to set up and use the monitoring utility.

To set up the Salesforce monitoring utility:

  1. Install the Magic xpi app from the Salesforce AppExchange. For information about how to do this, click here.

  2. In the Magic xpi installation folder, open the SFDC_Monitor_Utility folder and double-click the SFDC_MonitorSetup.exe file. The Salesforce Monitor Configuration dialog box opens. This dialog box contains the following properties:

  1. Environment Name: The name that you want to use to represent the environment in Salesforce.

  2. Environment ID: This is a read-only field that displays a randomly generated string of 30 characters. This is used by Salesforce as a unique environment key.

  3. Endpoint URL: The Salesforce organization's login endpoint URL. The default value of this field is

  4. Proxy Host:Port: The proxy definitions that will be used by both the runtime part and configuration part of the monitoring utility. The default value is empty.

  1. Once you have entered the required parameters, you need to complete the OAuth authorization flow. To do this, click the OAuth2 button.

  1. In the OAuth2View window, enter your Salesforce credentials. Once your credentials are accepted, a green check mark will appear next to the Salesforce Monitor Configuration dialog box’s OAuth Refresh Token Status field.

  2. Click the Validate button to verify the connection to Salesforce.

To use the Salesforce monitoring utility:

  1. Run your Magic xpi project.

  2. In the Magic xpi installation folder, open the SFDC_Monitor_Utility folder and double-click the start.bat file. This starts the runtime utility that pushes Magic xpi project data to Salesforce. If you want to run the utility as a Windows OS service, you first need to run the SFDCserviceInstall.bat file, located in the <Magic xpi installation>\SFDC_Monitor_Utility\OS_Service folder. This will create an MgcxpiSFDCUtil service that you can then set to run either manually or automatically.

  3. Log in to with your credentials.

  4. Click the Environments tab. If this tab is not available, you can add it. To do this, go to the App Setup area, click on Create, and then select Tabs.

  5. In the Recent Environments area, under Environment Name, you should see the name of the environment that you created in the setup procedure (above).

  6. Click on the environment name link to see the monitoring information.

  7. The Environment Detail screen displays information such as the environment’s name and status, and also shows the following data in dedicated sections:

  • Space Information

  • System Information

  • Alerts Report: This section displays a chart showing the following information:

    • Record Count

    • Severity Level

  • Alerts: This section displays information about the following issues:

    • checkNotAllServersAreRunning: If a server that was started by either the Monitor, the start.xml file, or the projectsStartup.xml file is not running.

    • checkTriggerNotRunning: If a project is using a trigger but no server has loaded such a trigger.

    • checkIfPrimaryAndBackupOnSameMachine: If the primary and backup partitions do not reside on the same machine.

    • checkMessagesWaitingMoreThan: If a message is not handled for more than a specific length of time.

    • addGSAlerts: If there are internal GigaSpaces alerts, such as memory and CPU consumption problems.

  • Projects

  1. In the Projects section of the Environment Detail screen, you can click on a specific project name to get the following information:

  • Project Detail

  • Activities

  • System Information

  • Alerts Report

  • Alerts

You can change the refresh rate of the Salesforce monitoring utility as follows:

  1. Click the Magic xpi Settings tab.

  2. In the Magic xpi Configuration screen, click Edit.

  3. Set the Interval (minutes) property to the required refresh rate.

  4. Click Save.
