Hints - MSSQL (Magic xpa 2.x)
Using a Hint String, the developer can specify a hard-coded string that will be added to the Select statement as is, without being checked.
Specifying FORCE_ INDEX Hint in the Index Properties dialog box applies to this index only. Specifying FORCE_ INDEX Hint in the Data Source Properties dialog box applies to all the indexes in that table, and specifying FORCE_ INDEX Hint in the Database Properties dialog box applies to all the indexes in all the tables in the database.
If you specify a FORCE_ INDEX Hint in the Data Source or Index Properties dialog box, and you do not want the gateway to force the optimizer to use an index for a specific index, or for all indexes in a particular table, then you can set the Hint to NO in the Data Source or Index Properties dialog box, and the optimizer hint will not be issued.
FORCE_ INDEX Hint can cause the gateway to force the index in the following manner:
Magic xpa will add the following to the Select statement generated by the gateway:
“(INDEX indname)”
where indame will be the name of the index for that particular table in Magic xpa.
It is recommended that you use the Optimizer Hints in special cases only. A full list of the optimizer hints that can be sent to MSSQL can be found in MSSQL documentation.