Generated MSMQ Component (Magic xpa 2.x)
The resulting component will contain a component pointing to the MSMQ.eci file.
The following Global functions will be created in the Main Program:
MsmqOpenReadQueue – This will only be added if the queue access is not "Write."
MsmqOpenWriteQueue – This will only be added if the queue access is not "Read."
MsmqSendMessage – This will only be added if the queue access is not "Read."
MsmqReadMessage – This will only be added if the queue access is not "Write."
MsmqAddLabel – This will only be added if access is not "Read."
MsmqSetPriority – This will only be added if access is not "Read."
MsmqSetAcknowledge – This will only be added if access is not "Read."
MsmqBeginTrans – This will only be added if full transaction is requested.
MsmqCommitTrans – This will only be added if full transaction is requested.
MsmqRollBackTrans – This will only be added if full transaction is requested.