
General Troubleshooting (Magic xpi 4.14)

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Created BySalesforce Service User
Approval Process StatusPublished

General Troubleshooting (Magic xpi 4.14)


Why won't Messaging Mode work properly?


If you have problems with using Messaging Mode, you should check the [MAGIC_IBOLT] file's ActivityLogSynchronizationMode flag. This flag can be set to either Async or Sync, and governs how the Activity Log is handled:

  • Async is the default option. If you select this, the Magic xpi Server waits and enters a batch of activities in a single thread. This increases the speed, and therefore the performance, of the system.

  • Sync indicates that each thread logs its own activities. If you select this, the Magic xpi Server can log the activities in real time on the same thread that the activity is executed. Alternatively, you can balance the load for projects with many activities.

If you find that you have a problem changing this flag, in some cases this may help you to identify the particular component where the problem can be found.


Why am I getting an error that the service is not in the Service table?


The error indicates that the Magic.ini file is missing from the Web Service definition. The two most common causes for this problem are:

  1. The Magic.ini is marked as read only.

  2. The project was created on one machine and is now running on another.

To solve this issue, try to rebuild the .ibp (Build menu ->Build Solution). If this does not help, or you cannot do this, open your Magic.ini file, go to the [MAGIC_SERVICES] section and add the following:

= SOAP,,,,,,\resource\\.jar,0,M,

For example:

Web Services Client Example = SOAP,


ice1.asmx?WSDL,D:\Magic xpi\projects\Project1\resource\Web Services Client +

Example\Web Services Client Example.jar,0,M


Why can't I change the case (upper or lower) of the variable names?


If you try and change the case of variable names, you will get the "Variable was already entered" error. This is because variable names are not case sensitive.


What should I do if I get a "System Date is incorrect" error?


An incorrect system date error is generated when a local file or directory has an accessed/modified/created future date-stamp. Solve this issue by restoring any such files or directories to the present date, through re-dating (that is, changing their date stamp). It is recommended to restart your computer after this process.


Why was the Magic.ini file deleted while the project was running?


In some cases, where there is not enough space on the disc where Magic xpi is installed, the Magic.ini file is deleted.


What should I do if I get an error saying that a Magic xpa cabinet file ecf does not exist?


To fix this error, regenerate the ifs.ini file for that particular project.

To regenerate the ifs.ini file:

  1. Delete or rename the previous ifs.ini file from the project's folder

  2. Save/build the project again.

This generates the new ifs.ini file.

Note: This error may occur if you copy the project from another location or from a different installation, and you have environment variables that point to a location that does not exist.


When trying to run a project, the "Java Virtual Machine: Cannot be loaded (status: -4) >> Application : c:\Magic xpi\, program: Read Data.Initialize Java Parameters."error appears in the log. What does this error mean?


The JVM load's -4 status code means out of memory. The JVM needs a continuous memory chunk, and the error indicates that it was not able to allocate this chunk.

The memory allocation for Java is set in the Magic.ini. To set the allocation, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Magic.ini file and go to the JVM_ARGS= flag in the [MAGIC_JAVA] section. This flag shows the Java process's memory allocation. By default it is set to -Xms256m -Xmx256m.

  2. Change the value to -Xms32m -Xmx128m and check if the error is resolved.

There is also a utility called sysinternals VMMap which displays the machine's memory usage and can help find the problem.


Why does the flow’s Abort timeout policy not terminate the thread (flow) as expected upon reaching the specified time?


When you set the Abort policy on a flow, the flow should be aborted and the thread terminated when the timeout value is reached.

However, there are situations where the Magic xpi server is unable to release the thread.

This behavior mostly affects the project’s thread consumption (if the thread is not released and a new one is launched). It also generates repeated "Max instance was exceeded" error messages if the flow is set with a Max instance flag.

Magic xpi has a preset internal ‘grace’ time value of five minutes. This allows a step to end if a flow was timed out and aborted, and the server was unable to terminate the executing thread.

At the end of the five minutes grace time, the process will be terminated forcefully, thus ending the flow.


When I open the Magic xpi Studio, I get the following message and the Studio crashes: "Component used by the task does not exist or could not be opened". How can I fix this?


This error indicates that Magic xpi is not able to reach one or more of the files it needs in order to open the Studio.

You should check the [MAGIC_LOGICAL_NAMES] section of the Magic.ini file and verify that the Magic xpi environment variable points to the Magic xpi installation directory.


When I use Magic xpi's Text Search tool, pressing F3 or Shift+F3 does not let me navigate forwards or backwards. Why is this?


This is a keyboard mapping issue. To fix the problem, select the Magic xpi Studio's Tools menu, followed by Options. In the Options dialog box, under Environment, select Keyboard. Then, click the Reset button. This will restore your default keyboard mapping, and F3 and Shift+F3 should then work properly with the Text Search tool.


Why am I getting the following error when opening Magic xpi: "The 'MagicSoftware.iBolt.iBProjectPackage, iBolt, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=38692e95ed3f1bbe' package did not load correctly"?


This error may happen when using Magic xpi on a non-supported operating system. For information about supported operating systems, see the Compatibility Guide.


Why does the drag and drop option not work for some of the connectors in the Studio?


To resolve the issue, do the following:

  1. Open the Command Prompt with administrative privileges.

  2. Once opened, run the following command:

"<Magic xpi 4.xx Installation>\Studio\MgxpiStudio.exe" /resetuserdata


Why does the std.outlog file size keep increasing?


This issue may occur in very rare cases when the JVM cannot locate or open the logback config files which are located in the runtime/java/classes folder in the Magic xpi installation.

To avoid this issue, additional logback related configuration is required in the magic.ini file. Follow the steps given below for the required configuration:

  1. Navigate to the magic.ini file located under the <Magic xpi installation>\Runtime\Magic xpa folder.

  2. Open the file in the text editor and go to the [MAGIC_JAVA] section.

  3. Under the JVM_ARGS property, add the following line:

-Dlogback.configurationFile=<Magic xpi installation>\runtime\Java\classes\logback.xml

You can also use the relative path to the logback.xml as given below:


If <Magic xpi Installation> contains spaces, use the short Windows directory name instead of the long one.

For example:

JVM_ARGS=-Xms64m -Xmx4096m -Dlogback.configurationFile=<Magic xpi installation>\runtime\Java\classes\logback.xml


Why does the Magic xpi Studio fail to open on Windows Server Host?


The Windows server handles the Studio launching differently than regular Windows operating system.

So for Windows host, open the Studio for the first time with Admin privilege. After this the Studio can be started with regular rights.


Why are the Start and Stop shortcuts for the xpi project not created in the Magic xpi 4.13.x shortcut folder on the Desktop?


In certain cases, the installer might fail to give Write permissions to the desktop shortcut folder. This causes failure to create any shortcuts inside the folder.

To fix this issue, you could ask your Admin to give you the required rights using the following command:

cacls "c:\PathToDesktopFolder" /T /C /E /G Users:F

For example,

cacls "c:\%USERPROFILE%\Desktop\Magic xpi 4.13.x" /T /C /E /G Users:F


cacls "c:\Users\public\Desktop\Magic xpi 4.13.5" /T /C /E /G Users:F

The shortcut folder is created under the "C:\Users\Public" folder, if you chose "Anyone who uses this computer (all users)" during the installation.


How Do I Use Different JDK in Magic xpi?


This Magic xpi installation includes OpenJDK 8 v372 by default. If you want to use any other JDK then you need to link Magic xpi installation with that JDK. This linking will be done using the mklink command.

For this do the following steps

  1. Download the required JDK and extract it on the disk.

  2. Go to the Runtime folder under the Magic xpi installation and open the Command Prompt.

  3. Run the following commands.

  • rmdir JDK8x86

  • mklink /D JDK8x86 "<Path to JDK 32 Bit>"
    For example, mklink /D JDK8x86 "d:\JDK\Openjdk Java 8 302\"

  • rmdir JDK8x64

  • mklink /D JDK8x64 "<Path to JDK 64 Bit>"
    For example, mklink /D JDK8x64 "d:\JDK\Openjdk Java 8 302\"

To confirm the linking is done correctly, go to the <Magic xpi installation>\Runtime\JDK8x64\bin folder and on the Command Prompt run the command

java -version

This command should print the expected JDK version.

Magic xpi is certified with Zulu and Redhat JDK.
