General Settings (Magic xpi 4.13)
The following flags help you to configure general Magic xpi project settings.
HTTP Proxy Address
The HTTP host:port.
The ifs.ini file entry is: HTTPProxyAddress
HTTP Timeout
The retrieval phase of the HTTP component (Post and Get) can be stopped after a set time period (in seconds) has elapsed. The default value is 0, which means that the HTTP Timeout period is two minutes.
The ifs.ini file entry is: HTTPTimeout
Soap Spy Address
The SoapSpy address. The default is port 4242.
The ifs.ini file entry is: SoapSpyAddress
Reserved License Threads
The number of threads that the Server reserves for its own use. This value is saved in the Space as part of the project's metadata.
When the project is executed, the workers will check out the licenses defined in this property, but will not check them back in. The license is not released even when the worker has completed the flow. The rest of the project's workers can continue to use licenses from the pool.
If a server is manually shutdown or stopped in the Magic Monitor, the reserved licenses will be returned to the pool. Servers handling that project will continue consuming floating licenses. However, when the server is restarted or another server is loaded for that project, the reserved licenses will once again be checked out.

If this flag is set to 0 (the default value), the project will not reserve any licenses and will use the available licenses in the license pool.
The ifs.ini file entry is: ReservedLicenseThreads
License Name
The license that your project is using. For more information about the Magic xpi license structure, click here.
The ifs.ini file entry is: LicenseName
Disable Activity Log
Disables the log where messages are written. For more information about this flag, click here.
Select one of the following from the drop-down list:
The ifs.ini file entry is: DisableActivityLog
Nullify XML Source NonExistent Tag Value
Determines whether the value that is passed to the Destination will remain as the default for the data type, or will instead be null.
Select one of the following from the drop-down list:
The ifs.ini file entry is: NullifyXMLSourceNonExistentTagValue
Nullify JSON Source NonExistent Tag Value
Determines whether the value that is passed to the Destination will remain as the default for the data type, or will instead be null.
Select one of the following from the drop-down list:
The ifs.ini file entry is: NullifyJSONSourceNonExistentTagValue