Frames Controls (Magic xpa 2.x)
You can change the frame layout by selecting another layout from the palette. However, you cannot delete or drag and drop frames.
You can resize all the frames in all directions. The resizing will only affect the frame's siblings (the form will not be increased by the resize).
The frame cannot have a width or height of zero.
You can use the mouse to reduce the frame’s width until the size of 2 and the frame's height until the size of 0.5.
You can only Increase the frame’s width/height only until its sibling frame reached the size of 2 (for width) or 0.5 (for height).
When you right-click on one of the frames, the following options are available:
Fit to form – This option resizes the frame according to the form defined in the frame. If a program or task is defined in the frame, then the first form size will be used. This option is enabled only when the frame Program/Task/Form number is greater than 0. The resize of the frame will affect its sibling frames in the following way:
o Change in the frame's width – The form size and vertical sibling will also be changed.
o Change in the frame's height – The form size and horizontal sibling will also be changed.
Show tab order
Form properties
Each frame in the frame set are listed by categories: