Form Name
You can specify the form name. This field contains the task name (as a default) or another name given to the form. When you create a new task or subtask, Magic xpa also automatically creates the Form Editor entry for that task. The name of the task, as it is entered in the Task Properties dialog box, appears as the name of the form. As long as the task name and the form name are the same, any changes to the task name are automatically copied to the form name. You should provide a name for all additional form entries you make in the Form Editor. The form name appears at the top of the form window.
Zoom or double-click on an entry in the Name column to activate the Form editor type selected for the form. If the form is a Browser or a Merge form, zoom to the editor that you have specified in the Web Authoring Tool setting, from the Server tab of the Environment dialog box.
In case of Web Client tasks, the first form name will be changed according to the changes in the task name only until the form has no controls.
The Form Name must not start with a digit, or contain spaces or any of the following special characters `~:!@#$%^&*()-_=+[{}]|',?<>./\"'; .
The Form Name must be unique to a task.
Since version: 4.0

You can enter Form Name as long as 100 characters. Since version: 4.6