Form Measurements - SDI (Magic xpa 2.x)
For an SDI form, the properties of X and Y will be relative to the top left corner of the desktop. They will initially be set to zero so that the SDI window will be opened in the top left corner of the desktop. When the Startup Position is set to Centered to MDI, Centered to Parent or Centered to Desktop, the X and Y properties will be disabled. The properties of Width and Height relate to the measurements of the SDI client.
The width of the SDI container will be the width defined in the form properties. This is a computed value.
The height of the SDI container will be the height defined in the form properties plus the size of the displayed items, such as the menu system, toolbars and status bars. If none of these are displayed, the height of the container will be the height defined in the form properties.
The size of the SDI container will be the size of the width and height plus the dimensions of the container.
The X and Y properties will be disabled if the Startup Mode is not Default. The dimensions of the width and height will be the dimensions of the form in the Form Editor, even if the Startup Mode is not Default and the properties are disabled.