Flow Mode
The Flow Mode property lets you make the execution of an operation dependent on how the end user interacts with the task. This property appears in the operations when using the Control Verification logic unit, the RM Compatible logic unit, or the Event logic unit.
You can select from the following options:
Step – This is the default scanning mode. The engine remains in Step mode only as long as the end user moves the insertion point from the current parkable control to the previous or next parkable control in the same record using the Next Field and Previous Field events.
Fast – This option is used when there is a specific destination determined by a mouse-click or a triggered event. Scanning in Fast mode means that the engine scans the record tables, executes only those operations flagged for execution in Fast or Combined Interaction mode, and recomputes Init and Link expressions if needed.
Combine – This option lets the you select both Step and Fast.
Before – If you select this option, the engine executes the operation if the end user zooms (F5) in the next control. This option is only available for the RM Compatible logic unit.
After – If you select this option, the engine executes the operation if the end user zooms (F5) in the previous control. This option is only available for the RM Compatible logic unit.

The Flow Mode property is not available in Web Client tasks.