
Find Reference - Utilities (Magic xpa 3.x)

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Created ByKnowledge Migration User
Approval Process StatusPublished

Find Reference - Utilities (Magic xpa 3.x)

The Magic xpa Find Reference utility provides information about where an entity such as a model, column, or program is used. An example of where you might want to use the Find Reference utility would be to obtain a list of programs that refer to a certain column, index, or data source.

This utility can help you when you need to predict the results of altering a certain object. For example, if you want to delete a certain data source from the repository, you can use the Find Reference utility to find the connections of this data source and check that it is not used within programs (or other objects).

When you want to find a program with this utility, using the PROG literal will enable Magic xpa to locate an expression that refers to a program.


The Find Reference utility looks for the specified object only in broken properties. Properties that inherit the reference to the searched object will not be included in the search results.

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