Filters for Database (Magic xpi 4.13)
You can filter the tables that are available in the Data Mapper by selecting the check box next to each table that you want to display. This allows you to set up different database mapping options using the same database. For example, you may want to have a mapping option that includes only specific tables for sending email messages. In another option you may want to map data to a calendar entry. Instead of having all the tables available in the mapping, you can filter the tables for one database, then set up another database (by using the same actual database) that includes the tables you need for the calendar entries only.

There are a number of options in Magic xpi that let you control the filtering. The order of precedence is as follows:
The following table describes the options available in the Filters for Database window for DB2/400 databases:
Library for Filtering
Select a library from the drop-down list to display the tables for that library only. You can display tables from multiple libraries by selecting ALL from the drop-down list.
Table Name
Select the check box next to the Table name for any table that you want to be available for mapping.
Magic xpi can connect to table names that are a maximum of 30 characters. If you have a table name that is longer, see this Technical Note for further information about handling it.
The owner is displayed at the bottom of the table for the current parked entry in the table.
The following table describes the options available in the Filters for Database window for other databases:
Owner for Filtering
Select an owner from the drop-down list to display the tables for that owner only. You can display tables from multiple owners by selecting ALL from the drop-down list.
Table Name
Select the check box next to the Table name for any table that you want to be available for mapping.
Click Clear All to clear all the check boxes. Only the table selection from the current Owner for Filtering list are cleared. If you have selected All from the drop-down list in the Owner for Filtering field, selected tables from all owners are cleared.
Click OK to close and save the filtering. Click Cancel to close without saving the filtering.

You can press Ctrl+F in this window to open the Find dialog box that helps you easily locate tables that you want to select. Alternatively, you can right-click on the Filters for Database window, and select Find Table from the context menu. Wildcard characters are not supported.
You can click F3 to find the next table.