Deletes a file from the disk, and returns a Boolean (TRUE, FALSE) indicating success or failure.
FileDelete(file name)
file name: An Alpha string that represents the file name. The string may contain a path. If the path is not indicated, Magic xpa assumes the current directory.
Success returns TRUE; failure returns FALSE.
FileDelete('C:\TEMP\TMPFILE.TMP') - Deletes TMPFILE.TMP from the TEMP directory on Drive C.
It is advisable to use this function instead of using a Shell to OS internal event.
See also:
FileCopy, FileExist, FileInfo, FileRename
How Do I Delete a File or a Data Source in a Task that Handles the Same File or Data Source?
How Do I Delete a Disk File?
The Online and Rich Client Samples projects (program EL15 and REL15)