File2Blb (Magic xpi 4.14)
Moves a file into a BLOB variable.
File2Blb (Alpha filename)
filename: A file name. The name of the file to be converted into a BLOB.
BLOB – the file packed as a BLOB.
File2Blb('C:\myfile.txt') returns a BLOB with the content of the C:\myfile.txt file.
See also:
Blb2File, How Do I Load Unicode, ANSI, or UTF-8 File Content Into Memory?
If the file contains Unicode BOM, the content is loaded as-is without the BOM. It is then converted to the BLOB type that was selected to hold the content.
If the file contains UTF-8 BOM, the content is considered binary and loaded as-is without converting it first to Unicode.
If the file contains no BOM, the content is considered Ansi and is converted from Ansi to the BLOB type that was selected to hold the content. This part includes both Binary and UTF-8 and Ansi content.