
Evaluate Condition (Magic xpa 2.x)

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Created ByKnowledge Migration User
Approval Process StatusPublished

Evaluate Condition (Magic xpa 2.x)

Select when Magic xpa has to evaluate the End Task condition:

  • Before entering record (default) – The End task condition evaluation is done before entering the record.

  • After updating record – The evaluation is done after updating the record. This way you can, for example, include in the End Task condition variables from the latest processed record.

  • Immediately when condition is changed – Immediately evaluates whenever the condition is changed.

Termination of the Task for End Task Condition

When Evaluate Condition is set to Immediate, the End Task condition is checked on the execution of every single operation, on all levels, and End Task = True causes Magic xpa to set an internal Terminate State. This state is checked only in the interactive level, and causes immediate termination of the task.

When Magic xpa terminates the task for End Task = True, it:

  • Executes the Record Suffix, if the record was modified (always in Batch)

  • Executes the Group level, if any exist in Batch tasks

  • Executes the Task Suffix

  • Ends the task

Examples of End Task and Evaluate Condition

If you want 1 record processed, set End Task to Yes and Evaluate Condition to After.

If you want no records processed, set End Task to Yes and Evaluate Condition to Before.

If you want 15 records processed specify the expression for End Task Counter(0)=15, and set Evaluate Condition to After.
