Error Functions (Magic xpa 2.x)
The information about the error is available to you through a series of functions that can be evaluated even before entering the handler. With this information, you can decide to disable or enable a user-defined error handler. The functions are:
ErrTableName – Returns the physical name of the table on which the error has occurred. If you have main and linked tables, this function can be used to determine where the error occurred. This function is only relevant for errors that are connected to a table.
ErrDatabaseName – Returns the name of the database on which the error has occurred.
ErrDbmsCode – Returns the DBMS error code. This can be instrumental for fatal and unexpected errors, assuming that you are familiar with your DBMS internal error codes.
ErrDbmsMessage – Returns the original DBMS error message for fatal or unexpected errors.
ErrMagicName – Relevant if the error handler is set to “Any” error. Returns the Magic xpa literal of the error. This function can be used to maintain handling several errors that share the same operations.
ErrPosition – Provides a reference to the position of the record on which the error occurred.