
General Environment (Magic xpi 4.14)

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Created BySalesforce Service User
Approval Process StatusPublished

General Environment (Magic xpi 4.14)

The General Environment section in the Settings dialog box contains the environment variables whose values are stored in the Magic.ini file's [MAGIC_LOGICAL_NAMES] section. The General Environment section lets you enter new environment variables to use in a project and edit existing environment variables. For more information about environment variables, click here.

The entries in this section are displayed in the following groups:

  • Internal Environment Variables

  • User Environment Variables

Internal Environment Variables

This is a list of Magic xpi's permanent environment variables. You cannot delete these environment variables, since they are required for the Magic xpi Studio and during runtime. However, you can change the values. You cannot add a new environment variable to this section.

It is recommended not to change the value of the Magic.ini file's projects flag, since this can cause the Magic xpi server to fail to load.

User Environment Variables

This is a list of environment variables that are entered by the user. You can add new environment variables and delete existing environment variables. You can also edit environment variables values. When you add or delete an entry, or edit an entry's values, the change is saved to the Magic.ini file. The Magic.ini is loaded once when the project is loaded. If the Magic.ini file is modified anywhere else apart from the General Environment section, the changes made will not be reflected. This means that any changes made in the General Environment section are written to the Magic.ini as long as the project is open, but the General Environment section reads from the Magic.ini once only when the project is loaded.

To add a new environment variable:

  1. From the Project menu, select Settings. The Settings dialog box opens.

  2. In the Settings dialog box's General Environment section, click User Environment Variables.

  3. Click Add to open a new entry line.

  4. Type an environment variable, and then press TAB.

  5. Type a value (the actual element that the environment variable replaces). The character limit (i.e. value) of an environment variable is 260 characters.

  6. Click Apply to add the environment variable to the Magic.ini file.

The following characters are not supported when you define an environment variable: @ # - & \ / < > { } [ ]( ) , ; " % =

To delete an environment variable:

  1. Select an environment variable from the User Environment Variables list.

  2. Click Delete to delete the environment variable from the list.

  3. Click Apply to remove the environment variable from the Magic.ini file.

You can use the Flow Data Utility to update environment variables. By doing so, in runtime the value is only changed for the duration of the current execution, and is not saved when the server stops. The value is recognized by all the steps in the same thread that uses the environment variable.
