Environment Functions (Magic xpa 2.x)
ANSI2OEM – Converts data from ANSI to OEM.
AppName – Returns the name of the application.
ClientSessionSet – Sets environment settings for the session.
INIGet – Returns an environment value from the Magic.ini file.
INIGetLn – Retrieves a value from a line section in the Magic.ini file.
INIPut – Updates an environment value in the Magic.ini file.
Logging – Enables the programmer to dynamically start and stop filtering options.
OEM2ANSI – Converts data from OEM to ANSI.
OSEnvGet – Returns an Alpha string containing the value of the variable. If the variable is not set, an empty string is returned.
OSEnvSet – Sets the value of an operating system environment variable. The duration of this setting is until the Magic xpa process terminates.
Owner – Returns the present value of the Owner parameter defined in the Environment dialog box as a 30 character string.
ParamsPack – Packs a collection of global values that have been set by the SetParam function into a BLOB variable. The BLOB variable can be transmitted to another engine context or process to recreate the global values by using the ParamsUnPack function.
ParamsUnPack – Unpacks the global values from a BLOB variable created by using the ParamsPack function and sets them for the current engine context.
SetLang – Selects the active language.
SharedValPack – Packs a collection of shared values, set by the SharedValSet function, into a BLOB variable. The BLOB can be transmitted to another process to recreate the global values by using the SharedValUnpack function.
SharedValUnpack – Creates shared values, retrieved by the SharedValGet function, from a BLOB value created by using the SharedValPack function.
Term – Returns the terminal number as specified in the Environment repository.