The following How-to topics deal with the Magic xpa environment:
How Do I Use My Windows Login Name to Log on to Magic xpa?
How Do I Automatically Have a Project Opened When Invoking the Studio?
How Do I Test My Web Application?
How Do I Force the Runtime Engine to Run its Application as an SDI Application?
How Do I Run a Program as an SDI Program?
How Do I Specify the Screen Refresh Rate in a Batch Task?
How Do I Determine the Interval Being Used by the Engine to Poll Async Events?
How Do I Implement Transactions with ISAM Files?
How Do I Determine the Location of the Magic xpa Locking File?
How Do I Prevent the Creation of an I/O Device Until it is Actually Used?
How Do I Control the Displayed Checker Messages?
How Do I Develop an Application Using Components Without the Need to Create a Cabinet File for Each Component?
How Do I Determine the Code Page for Translation of ANSI Strings to Unicode and Vice Versa?