Enterprise Server Functions (Magic xpa 2.x)
Blob2Req – Sends the data of a BLOB variable to the requester.
CtxClose – Gracefully removes a context from the Active Context list.
CtxGetAllNames – Returns the names of all open contexts on the server engine where the function is evaluated.
CtxGetId – Retrieves the context identifier by a defined context name. You can define a name for a context identifier by using the CtxSetName function for a specific context.
CtxGetName – Enables the programmer to fetch the name of the current context.
CtxKill – Removes a context from the active context list.
CtxLstUse – Returns the number of seconds since the last activation of a context.
CtxNum – Returns the number of active contexts that are currently defined in an enterprise server.
CtxProg – Returns the program name of the top level program of the context if executed from another context, or the task path if executed on the current context.
CtxSetName – Enable the programmer to set the name of the current context.
CtxSize – Returns the size of the context.
CtxStat – Returns the status of a context.
DiscSrvr – Disconnects the server.
File2Req – Sends a file specification to the requester.
IsMobileClient – Checks if a session was initiated from a mobile device.
RqContexts – Returns information about the current status of the broker in terms of active contexts.
RqCtxInf – Returns an information string of a given context identified by the context ID.
RqCtxTrm – Terminates a specified context.
RqExe – Requests a broker to load a new copy.
RqHTTPHeader – Sets the required HTTP Header information for the returned result of the HTTP result of a batch program.
RqHTTPStatusCode – Controls the HTTP return status.
RqLoad – Provides statistical information about the load of one or all services of a single broker.
RqQueDel – Deletes an entry in the service queue.
RqQueLst – Provides the number of entries pending in the queue.
RqQuePri – Resets the priority for a pending request in the queue.
RqReqInf – Provides information about a request through a list of values that are generated from the Queue or from the broker's history log.
RqReqLst – Returns the number of request entries, specified by a range of request identifications, from the broker's log.
RqRtApp – Returns information about one application supported by one or more runtime engines registered in the broker.
RqRtApps – Provides the number of applications supported by one or all enterprise servers associated with a broker.
RqRtBlock – Blocks external and/or internal requests (requests issued by the server for the server to handle) from reaching the server.
RqRtCtx – Returns the information of a given context entry of a given service or server name.
RqRtCtxs – Loads the information of all of the opened contexts of the enterprise server.
RqRtInf – Gives information about a specific enterprise server associated with a broker.
RqRtResume – Allows a blocked server to receive requests.
RqRts – Gives the number of enterprise servers associated with a broker.
RqRtTrm – Terminates all enterprise servers associated with a requester.
RqRtTrmEx – Terminates all enterprise servers associated with a requester by a graceful timeout.
RqStat – Returns a simple numeric value indicating the status of a single request.
RqTrmTimeout – Retrieves the remaining number of seconds before the server termination occurs.
SharedValGet – Retrieves a shared value according to its name. A shared value is a value stored in the memory of the Magic xpa process. Once created, this value can be retrieved by all active contexts and new contexts.
SharedValGetAttr – Returns the attribute of the shared values. Since version: 1.9L and 2.3
SharedValGetNames – Returns the names of the shared values. Since version: 1.9L and 2.3
SharedValSet – Creates a shared value, which is a value stored in the memory of the Magic xpa process. Once created, this value can be retrieved by all active contexts and new contexts.
Text – Tests for the server background mode.
WsConsumerAttachmentAdd – A consumer Web Service program can add attachments to the SOAP response using the WsConsumerAttachmentAdd function.
WsConsumerAttachmentGet – A consumer Web Service program can retrieve attachments from the SOAP response using the WsConsumerAttachmentGet function.
WsProviderAttachmentAdd – Attaches the content of a BLOB variable to a SOAP response.
WsProviderAttachmentGet – Retrieves an attachment received by a Web Service.
WsSetIdentity – Sets an identity for the current context.