Edit Mobile Properties (Magic xpa 2.x)
Mobile Support
Border Width
Defines the border width in pixels according to the device's dpi.
Android and iOS
Border Color
Defines the border color.
Android and iOS
Border Focus Width
Defines the border width in pixels according to the device's dpi when the Edit control is in focus.
Android and iOS
Border Focus Color
Defines the border color when the Edit control is in focus.
Android and iOS
Corner Radius
Defines the corner radius in pixels of the control according to the device's dpi.
Platform specific: On iOS devices, for controls on a table, the controls' border and especially the corner radius will slow the table's performance.
Android and iOS
Open Picker
Defines whether the control will open the native date and time pickers. Relevant only for Edit controls with a Date or Time attribute.
Android and iOS
Open Edit Dialog
Defines whether the editing of the control will be done in a dialog box or in the control. Relevant only On Android for Edit controls with an Alpha or Unicode attribute.
Default Alignment
Defines whether the control will be aligned using the device's default alignment rules or using the definition in the Horizontal Alignment property.
When this property is set to Yes:
When this property is set No:
The text that will be used as the hint of the control. A hint is the text shown on an Edit control that is removed automatically while typing.
Exceptions: For iOS devices, hints are not supported for multi-line Edit controls.
See also:
The Rich Client Samples project (program RMO01)
How Do I Define Hints for Edit Controls on Android and iOS?
Android and iOS
Keyboard Type
Defines the keyboard type. The options are: Default, Numeric, URL, Number Pad, Phone Pad, Name Phone Pad, and Email.
Default – The default keyboard of the device.
Numeric – The user can enter numbers and punctuation.
URL – The user can enter text and URIs.
Number Pad – The user can enter numeric text and phone numbers.
Phone Pad – The user can enter phone numbers.
Name Phone Pad – The user can enter numeric text.
Email – The user can enter numeric text and e-mail addresses.
See also:
The Rich Client Samples project (program RMO05)
How Do I Customize the Keyboard on Android and iOS?
Android and iOS
Keyboard Return Key
Defines the text that will appear on the return key. The options are:
Default – The default operating system return key value (for example, Next if there is another control or Done on the last control).
Next – Raises a Next Field internal event.
Previous – Raises a Previous Field internal event.
Go – Closes the keyboard and raises a Select internal event.
Search – Closes the keyboard and raises a Select internal event.
Done – Closes the keyboard and raises a Select internal event.
The image or text that appears depends on the virtual keyboard that you are using.
Go, Search and Done all have the same action, but the text that appears on the button is different.
Exceptions: This property is not supported for controls placed inside a Table control or for multi-line Edit controls.
See also:
The Rich Client Samples project (program RMO05)
How Do I Customize the Keyboard on Android and iOS?
Android and iOS
Allow Suggestions
Defines whether the suggestion text will be used. This property is supported for Alpha and Unicode fields only.
Android and iOS
Additional information
Specifies additional information related to the control on a mobile device.
For previously-used values, see Deprecated Additional Information Parameters.
Android and iOS
These properties are available in Rich Client tasks only.
Since version:
The Rich Client Samples project (program RMO05)
How Do I Customize the Keyboard on Android and iOS?