
Dynamics CRM Resource (Magic xpi 4.14)

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Created BySalesforce Service User
Approval Process StatusPublished

Dynamics CRM Resource (Magic xpi 4.14)

Before You Begin

You will require to perform the following steps before using Dynamics CRM resource using OAuth2 authentication in Magic xpi.

· Create an Application User for Dynamics 365

Note the application ID obtained from the Azure application.

· Register an App with Azure Active Directory

Refer to the link given below for further details:

Dynamics CRM resources contain the following parameters (parameters in bold are mandatory):




The IP address of the Dynamics CRM server.

Enter the required IP address or click to open the Environment Variables List. Here, you can select an environment variable to use as the server's IP address.


The Dynamics CRM server domain name.

Enter the required domain name or click to open the Environment Variables List. Here, you can select an environment variable to use as the domain name.

Authentication Type

Select the authentication type to be configured.

The possible values are:

  • OAuth2 (Default)

  • Basic

The Dynamics CRM resource created prior to Magic xpi 4.13.3 release will be migrated to use Basic type of authentication.

(Since version: 4.13.3)

User Name

The user name identifies you to the Dynamics CRM system.

Enter a user name or click to open the Environment Variables List. Here, you can select an environment variable to use as the user name.


The password confirms your identity to the Dynamics CRM system.

Enter a password or click to open the Environment Variables List. Here, you can select an environment variable to use as a password.

Tenant ID

Your tenant ID is a globally unique identifier (GUID) that is different than your organization name or domain.

It is also referred as Directory ID.

This parameter is available only if the Authentication Type parameter (above) is set to OAuth2.

(Since version: 4.13.3)

Client ID

The ID of the application (also reffered as Application ID) that asks for authorization. Client ID and Client secret are generated at the time of client registration process at the Authorization server.

Enter the Client ID or click (ellipsis button) to open the Environment Variable List. Here, the user can select an environment variable to use as a Client ID.

This parameter is available only if the Authentication Type parameter (above) is set to OAuth2.

(Since version: 4.13.3)

Client Secret

The secret string provided for the Client Id during the Authorization process.

Enter the Client Secret or click (ellipsis button) to open the Environment Variable List. Here, the user can select an environment variable to use as a Client Secret.

For this field, use the Secret Value and not the Secret ID generated on the Azure portal.

On the Azure portal under Certificates & secrets, the Client Secret value can be generated. Copy this value as you won't be able to retrieve the value later.

This parameter is available only if the Authentication Type parameter (above) is set to OAuth2.

(Since version: 4.13.3)


Enter the Dynamics CRM organization name or click to open the Environment Variables List. Here, you can select an environment variable to use as the organization name.

Secured Connection

Determines whether you want to establish a secured connection to the Dynamics CRM system. Select one of the following from the drop-down list:

  • No (default)

  • Yes

Deployment Type

Determines which Dynamics CRM deployment type you want to work with. Select one of the following from the drop-down list:

  • On Premise (default)

  • On Demand

Subscription Type

Determines how you subscribe to your on-demand Dynamics CRM system. Select one of the following from the drop-down list:

  • Partner Hosted (default)

  • Microsoft Hosted

This parameter is available only if the Deployment Type parameter (above) is set to On Demand.

When using the On Demand deployment type, dates are usually stored in UTC and not in the timezone of the computer.

Dynamics CRM resources also give you the following buttons:




Click this button to verify that the connection to the Dynamics CRM server is valid. You will receive a message indicating that the connection is established, or an error message if the connection failed.


This button fetches the list of organization names from the Dynamics CRM server, and opens the Organizations List.

This feature is deprecated since version Magic xpi 4.13.2 for the On-Demand Deployment Type. The same is available for On Premise Deployment Type.

Terms Used Interchangeably

Field Name

Also referred as

Tenant ID

Directory ID

Client ID

Application ID

Related Topic

How to set OAuth2 Configuration and Register a Dynamics CRM Application in the Azure Portal?
