
Drilldown Windows (Magic xpa 3.x)

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Created ByKnowledge Migration User
Approval Process StatusPublished

Drilldown Windows (Magic xpa 3.x)

The principle of drilldown windows is that each new screen displays additional information to be queried or modified. Each screen calls the next screen, by a click of a button or a link, or when passing through relevant fields. Closing all drilldown windows, including the parent task, completes the data flow process, as illustrated in the figure below.

You would usually set each drilldown window to be a modal task, thus preventing the user from returning to the parent task before completing the work in the drilldown window.

The drilldown windows technique has the disadvantage of creating new windows on the user’s desktop. Moreover, due to browser constraints, each opened window appears as an independent window on the user’s task bar.

Sample Application:

The Customer Orders I option demonstrates the drilldown windows mechanism.


Place the drilldown windows exactly on top of each other. This gives a cleaner look and does not burden the desktop with too many visible windows.
