Drawing Menu (Magic xpa 4.x)
The Drawing menu is available for Output forms only.
When you are in the Form Designer, the majority of these options are available from the Format menu.
You can align the control using one of the following options: Left, Right, Top, Bottom, Horizontal Center, Vertical Center.
Center on Form
You can center the form horizontally or vertically.
Equal Spacing
You can equally space the form horizontally or vertically.
You can change the size of the control using the various options in the Size menu.
You can view and change the order of the controls. You can move the control forward, backward, to the front or to the back. You can also use the following options:
Automatic Z-order – Instructs Magic xpa to automatically generate the Z-order.
Display Z-order – Lets you see the current Z-order.
Automatic Tab order – Instructs Magic xpa to automatically generate tabbing identifiers for all the controls on the current form. This option determines the form’s tabbing order between controls. See also Tabbing Order - Forms.
Display Tab order – Lets you see the current tab order.
See also How Do I Display a Control on Top of Another Control?
The Links menu contains the following options:
Arrange Table On Link option – Lets you determine the behavior of a "link parent" on a field, when you are linking to a table. If it is on, the field will move and be placed in the table. If it is off, the field will remain in its current position (but will also be linked to the table). Note that when linking a control to a Windows style table, the field will move and be placed in the table, regardless of this option.
Attach To Table option – Lets you select several controls that exist on a form, and link them to the table. During the link, they will be placed in the table. It is useful to use this when you have a large control that you want to add to a table. If you place the control directly on the table, it would be difficult to change the size of the control. Therefore, first put the control on the form by itself, edit the size of the control, and then attach the control to the table by using the Attach To Table option. This is equivalent to selecting them and during a "link parent" to the Table control, selecting the Arrange Table On Link option.
Link to Parent – Establishes a parent-child link between controls.
Unlink – Breaks the parent-child link between controls.
Indicate Parent – Shows which control the current control is attached to (its parent).

The following controls cannot be linked to a Table control: .NET, Browser, List Box, Radio Button, and Tab.
Insert Control
Use this to insert any of the controls.
Controls Tree
Lets you quickly view all of the controls on the form.
Conclude Drawing (F8)
Lets you jump out of the main form and back to the task.