Directory Scanner – Filter (Magic xpi 4.1)
You can use the Filter dialog box to enter the filter criteria. Click
to the right of the Filter field to open the Filter dialog box. Enter the following criteria.
Select criteria for processing the file in the scanned directory. The options are:
Name (file name)
Size (file size)
If you selected Size or TimeStamp in the Criteria field, select the operation criteria from the drop-down list. The options are:
Greater than
Less than
Equal to
If you selected TimeStamp in the Criteria field, enter the date and time criteria in this property. Click to select the date from the Calendar dialog box.
When working with an FTP server, seconds are not considered in the time criteria for the time stamp.
Select the order for scanning the criteria from the drop-down list. You can select:
The order that you define in this property is the order in which files are scanned by the trigger, and not the order in which those files will be processed.
Enter the names of files or groups of files that should not be scanned. You can use wildcard characters when entering this criteria. For example, if you want to exclude all files that start with Customer, enter Customer * to indicate all files with the word customer and any other name after. The * wildcard character can be in any position, such as cus*omer.
You can use environment variables in this field with the following syntax:
%[Environment variable name]%
You can enter more than one file, separating them with a comma. For example, *.txt,*.doc.
File Size
If you selected Size in the Criteria field, enter the file size in megabytes.
You can use environment variables in this field with the following syntax:
%[Environment variable name]%
When you have entered the relevant information, click OK to save the properties and to close the dialog box.
You can click Cancel to exit the dialog box without saving the properties.