Directives for Time Pictures (Magic xpi 4.14)
The tables below provide a list of positional directives for Time pictures.
A placeholder for the hour.
A placeholder for the minutes.
A placeholder for the seconds.
A placeholder for the time separator position. Magic xpi replaces this character with the character defined in the Time Separator setting of the Magic.ini file.
A placeholder for the AM/PM attribute. PM restricts the maximum value of the HH directive to 12.
AM or PM
Zero Fill
Instructs Magic xpi to replace any 0 of the displayed variable with the character value. If you do not specify any character, the variable is padded with blanks.
Note that c represents a mask character. To use a directive character, for example X, where c appears, preface it with a backslash, as in \X.
Default: No character
Since Magic xpi defines the default picture mask HH/MM/SS for a Time variable, the sample area initially shows HH/MM/SS also. If you change the default picture, this area shows the exact template of the variable as it will be displayed, that is, which mask characters are displayed and how many positions the variable will occupy on screen or report forms.
Examples of Time Pictures