
Directives for Numeric Pictures (Magic xpi 4.14)

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Created BySalesforce Service User
Approval Process StatusPublished

Directives for Numeric Pictures (Magic xpi 4.14)

The picture formats which are supported in the DataMapper are of type N12.4ZC and N12.4CZ. The user can construct the picture format with any partial combination of these directives as well. The Checker will give validation error for any other combination(s).

These directives are case sensitive. The checker will throw an error on entering the directives in a small case.

For Schema types other than Flat file, these directives are only valid when Always use custom picture property is set to Yes.

For the Flat File schema, the directives should be defined inside the line definitions. These directives will be reflected at the node properties.

The tables below provide a list of positional directives for Numeric pictures.

Numeric Positional Directives




A placeholder for a digit.


Indicates the location of the decimal separator, as defined in the Magic.ini file.

Numeric Functional Directives






Instructs Magic xpi that this variable may contain negative values. If Yes is specified, Magic xpi automatically enlarges the display size of the picture, as portrayed by the template, to enable a sign to be displayed.

Default: No



Instructs Magic xpi to insert commas as thousands separators in the variable. If you specify Yes, Magic xpi automatically enlarges the display size of the picture, as portrayed by the template, to include positions for commas. Commas may be replaced by any other character as specified in the Thousand Separator setting in the Magic.ini file.

Default: No


Zero fill

Instructs Magic xpi to fill the entire displayed variable with the Character value if its value is zero. If you do not specify any character, the variable is padded with blanks.

Default: No

For variables with the Numeric attribute, the count values, and the optional decimal position character define the number of digits in the whole part and in the decimal part. This in turn defines the default storage field model and length of the variable.

n - represents the count value.

{ } - represents an optional part.

c - represents a mask character. To use a directive character, for example X, where c appears, preface it with a backslash, as in \X.

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