Differences Between eDeveloper V9 and uniPaaS V1
The major differences between eDeveloper V9 and uniPaaS V1 are described below. For the differences since uniPaaS V1, see Differences Between V1.9 and Magic xpa 2.5.
Note that during the conversion process, information in non-supported properties will be lost.
Memo Attribute
Any variable with a Memo attribute is changed to an Alpha attribute.
Database fields that had Memo attributes will be converted to Alpha attributes with Memo storage.
The VarAttr function will no longer return 'M' for Memo as this is no longer a Magic xpa attribute. The conversion process will not automatically change expressions with the VarAttr function. You should search for the string VarAttr to see where it is equated with 'M'.
Colors and Fonts
To migrate your fonts and colors to Magic xpa, use your current color and font files as the Runtime Application color and font definition files of the Magic xpa application.
Only TrueType and limited Open Type fonts are supported.
Font orientation is only supported for Label controls and column headers. Since version: 2.4 (In previous 2.x versions, font orientation was not supported.)
If you used non-TrueType fonts in your application, replace those fonts in the Font table from a non-TrueType to a TrueType font.
Security File
If you want to use your security file (such as usr_std.eng) from previous versions, you need to convert your existing security file. You do this by running the usrupd.exe utility from the command line. The syntax is:
usrupd <input filename> <output filename>
<input filename> is the name of your current file name and <output filename> is the name that you want given to the file that is created by the usrupd.exe utility.
In Magic xpa you can only assign runtime rights.
The Magic xpa Single User Edition does not include the usrupd.exe utility.
Magic.ini File
When using the Studio, the Magic.ini file should not be read only and should not be resident.
Keyboard Mapping
Magic xpa provides two keyboard mapping files. The act_std_V9.eng file maintains the eDeveloper V9 shortcuts and the act_std.eng file provides Microsoft® Windows® compliant key combinations.
Version Control
Magic xpa does not use the MVCS mechanism.
In development, Magic xpa provides Version Control support for any third-party Version Control product that uses the SCC (Source Code Control) API V1.01, such as Visual SourceSafe and PVCS.
Web Online
Web Online is not supported in Magic xpa.
Forms with the Web Online Response interface type are not supported in Magic xpa.
During the conversion, these types of forms will be removed from the application, and any Form Output operation pointing to these forms will not point to a form in the converted project.
We recommend that you remove any form of this type before exporting your application.
HTML Forms
Magic xpa does not support forms with the HTML interface type.
During the conversion, these types of forms will be removed from the application, and any Form Output operation pointing to these forms will not point to a form in the converted project.
We recommend that you remove any form of this type before exporting your application.
The HTML property has been removed from the Style section of the property sheet of variables, columns and models.
The HTML class has been removed from the Model repository.
The Internet Development File Root property has been removed from the Project properties.
The Internet APG is not supported.
The HTML Merge Interface Type is now named Merge.
Column Properties
In V9.4 Runtime, when a column was hidden due to a change in the column’s Visible property, the table width was decreased. This was changed and now the table width is not affected by the visibility of the columns.
Databases and DBMSs
The Magic Server column was removed from the Database repository.
The Common Data Dictionary property was removed from the Options tab of the Database Properties dialog box.
The XA Transactions property was removed from the SQL tab of the Database Properties dialog box.
The following columns have been removed from the DBMS repository:
The following Magic.ini settings were removed from the MAGIC_DBMS section:
Internet Properties
The Java option from the Browser client technology environment setting is no longer supported.
The Internet Development File Root application property is no longer supported.
The Internet APG for a table or task is no longer supported. The Internet tab is removed from the APG dialog box.
Multi-User Access
The Multi User Access environment setting is no longer supported.
The Export Document option was removed from the Operation list in the Export/Import dialog box.
Studio rights are no longer supported.
In Magic xpa, the project information is no longer saved as an MCF. The project information is saved in XML source files.
Task Layers
The Main Source definition, link declarations and variable definitions are moved to the task's Data View Editor.
The task's logic is placed in the task's Logic Editor.
The task's various forms are placed in the task's Form Editor.
DB Tables
DB Table entries that are not used in the task are replaced by Declare operations in the task's Data View Editor.
Open Share Modes
The Fast and Damaged Open modes are not supported for all data source types, and the Reindex Open mode is not supported for SQL data sources. Open modes that are not supported are replaced by the Normal Open mode.
Browse Operation
The Browse operation was removed. The Conversion utility will replace the operation with an Invoke OS Command operation. We recommend that you remove any Browse operation before exporting your application.
Call Web S Operation
Each Call Web S operation from eDeveloper 9.4 is converted into an Invoke Web S Lite operation. Since version: 1.8 SP1
Link Operation – Validation Option
The Validation option of the Link operation is not supported in Magic xpa.
The Conversion utility replaces any Link Validate operation with a Link Query definition and adds a Verify Error operation.
If the Link operation has a variable set as the returned value, the utility will use the variable to set a verify condition. Otherwise, the utility sets a condition that checks if the Locate expression and the link results match.
If the previous version's Validation was conditioned, the condition will be added to the new condition.
Note: The message text of the Verify operation is not language dependent. After the conversion, you can use the Find and Replace Text functionality to change the message syntax.
Logic and Logic Units
Record Main Logic
Magic xpa no longer requires a Record Main. However, Record Main compatibility is available. When converting an eDeveloper V9 application to a Magic xpa project, the engine transforms the Record Main logic to the RM Compatible logic unit, which defines logic among variables in a similar way to the Record Main of eDeveloper V9. This logic unit displays all of the data view variables entered in the Data View Editor and lets you define the logic among the references to the data view variables, but not to the actual variable definition.
Control Change
Control Change handlers are replaced by the Variable Change logic unit.
The variable that is attached to the control is assigned to the Variable Change logic unit.
If there are more than one Control Change handlers for the same control but with different Enable expressions, the functionality will be kept.
If the same variable is displayed on different forms, each with its own control handler, a new Variable Change logic unit will be created for each variable and the Enable expression will be based on the new MainDisplay function.
The operations in the Variable Change logic unit are created within a Block operation with the condition: CHG_REASON = 0 (the previous version's Control Change handler is equivalent to the Variable Change logic unit with the CHG_REASON = 0).
Control Logic Units
Handlers set for controls are converted from being referenced by the control’s ISN to being referenced by the control’s name.
The Scope property of any control logic unit is set to Task. This will keep the same behavior of the previous version, since in the previous version a control handler could only be executed within the same task.
If you have a handler on different controls with a duplicate name, the Conversion utility will not handle this situation. Therefore, duplicate logic units will be created for the same control name.
If you have handlers that are set for the same control name from different class 0 forms, and there is a condition set for the Main Display property, then a condition will be set for the Enable property of each logic unit according to the form.
If there is no expression for the Main Display, then the Enable property of the logic unit for a control of the Main form will be Yes, and the Enable property of logic units for controls of other forms will be set to No.
Task and Record Handlers
The previous version's Task Prefix/Suffix and Record Prefix/Suffix handlers are replaced by the corresponding logic units. The handler's content is moved to the logic units.
Force Record Exit
Events with the Force Exit property set to Record are converted to Pre Record Update.
In eDeveloper V9.4, the tabbing order was determined by the Record Main. In Magic xpa, from the Form Editor for an Online task, you can select the Automatic Tab Order command in the Command palette to instruct Magic xpa to automatically generate tabbing identifiers for all the controls on the current form. You can click this command to deactivate the Automatic Tab Order mode. This property determines the form’s tabbing order between controls.
Allow Parking
The conditions of the Select operation are moved to the Allow Parking property of the control. If the control is not assigned to a variable, the Allow Parking property will be set with the value of Yes and will be disabled.
Allowed Direction
The Direction value of the Select operation is moved to the Allowed Direction property.
The Combined value is replaced with the Both Directions value.
The Forward value is replaced with the Forward Only value.
The Backward value is replaced with the Backward Only value.
Tab Order
The tabbing order values, determined by the order of the Select operations in the Record Main, are converted to Tab Order property values for the specified controls.
The Tab Order property of controls that are not assigned to a variable, are set according to their Top/Left/Z-order, starting from the next tab order after the last data bound control.
Automatic Tab Order
If the tabbing order of the controls on the form matches the automatic tab order (according to the Top/Left/Z-order), the form will have the Automatic Tab Order mode set to On. Otherwise, the form will have the Automatic Tab Order set to Off.
Tab Into
The value of this property is set to Yes for all of the controls.
Window Properties
The Modal, Floating, Child, or Split Window properties are converted to the appropriate value in the Window Type form property. This property has replaced the Float, Modal, and Split Window Child form properties.
Parallel programs with a Default window type will be opened as MDI child windows regardless of their caller task window type. Since version: 2.1
Magic xpa supports Unicode.
Euro-Related Properties
Euro Support features have been removed.
The European Currency Conversion File environment setting was removed from the External tab of the Environment dialog box.
The EuroFile environment setting was removed from the MAGIC_ENV section of the Magic.ini file.
The Base Currency and European Currency Conversion File application properties were removed.
The following Euro functions are no longer supported: EuroCnv, EuroDel, EuroGet, EuroSet, and EuroUpd.
eDeveloper 9.4 Blob variables with the GUI Display style defined as Rich Edit are converted into Blob variables with Content Type=ANSI. All other Blobs are converted to Blob variables with Content Type=Binary.
When running the Blb2File function with an empty BLOB and pointing to an existing file, eDeveloper V9 leaves the file unchanged, whereas Magic xpa deletes it.
In V9, when updating a BLOB variable with an Alpha value, an additional NULL character was added at the end of the BLOB. In Magic xpa the additional NULL character is not added. If you need to add the NULL character, you need to update the BLOB variable with the Alpha value concatenated with AsciiChr(0), so that the BLOB variable will contain the extra NULL character. Alternatively, if you need this change across the entire application, you can use the special setting, SpecialNullTerminateBlobs.
Print Preview
The Print Preview dialog box is closed by pressing Alt+F4 and not the Escape button. As of Magic xpa 3.1, the dialog box is once again closed using the Escape button.
Non-Supported Functions
The following functions are no longer supported:
Deprecated Internal Events
The following internal events were deprecated and are no longer supported:
About Magic xpa
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