Developing Mobile Applications (Magic xpa 4.x)
The Magic RIA client for iOS™ and Android™ is a native operating system (OS) application for any of these devices, implementing the Magic RIA client protocol.
Using the Magic RIA client for the different mobile devices, developers can deploy highly interactive enterprise RIA applications on the various mobile devices.

To see a video demonstration about developing mobile applications, click here.
Developing mobile RIA applications using Magic xpa requires the same skill set as developing desktop RIA applications. To familiarize yourself with the RIA concept, please see the Developing Rich Client Applications concept paper.
In addition, since the ability to work offline is important when working with mobile applications, it is recommended that you also read the Developing Offline Rich Client Applications concept paper.
For information about deploying mobile applications, see the Deploying Rich Client Applications concept paper.
This concept paper covers the following subjects:
Mobile Design Guidelines
Magic RIA Client for Mobile
Interaction with the Mobile Device
Mobile Development Environment
Mobile Development Considerations
Running Your Application on a Mobile Device or Simulator
Customizing Your Application
Packaging Resource Files
Installing an Application on a Mobile Device or Simulator
Troubleshooting and Debugging Mobile Applications
Execution on Android
Using the Android Debug Bridge (ADB) Utility
Performance Improvement Techniques for Mobile Apps