
Details - Frames Control Properties (Magic xpa 2.x)

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Created ByKnowledge Migration User
Approval Process StatusPublished

Details - Frames Control Properties (Magic xpa 2.x)

Is Cached

Determines whether the client will perform data view caching for the subforms.

Note: The cache will only work if the called program/task does not have a Server-side expression in its range/locate.

This property is not available in the GUI Frames form.

Connect To

Sets the object to be called by the subform. When setting this property in the program’s Form Editor, the options are Program (default), Subtask or Form. When setting this property in the Model repository, the only option available is Program.
All the frames must have the Connect To property defined.
Only one of the frames can have Connect To=Form.
Only Online or interactive Rich Client tasks can run in a frame.


Determines the Program, Task, or Form number to be called by the subform.

When the Connect to property is set to Program or SubTask, you can zoom to the Program list. For Programs, you can also click the expression button to access the Expression Editor.

When the Connect to property is set to Form, you can zoom to the Form list, which includes the current task forms.

Note: You can easily jump to the program, subtask or form by right-clicking and selecting Go to Object. Once you are done, you can return to the program, subtask or form by right-clicking and selecting Return to Object. Since version: 1.5


Zoom from this property to open the Argument Matching dialog box to pass the required arguments.

This property is disabled when the Connect to property is set to Form.

Automatic Refresh

Determines whether the subform view is automatically refreshed upon any modification of one of its passed arguments (by value and/or by reference).

When you set the value to Yes or an expression that evaluates to True, Magic xpa automatically refreshes the subform when any of the subform’s passed arguments have been changed in the parent, sibling, or nested tasks related to the subform. The runtime engine will also refresh the subform task when range or link values have changed.

An expression used in this property must be neutral (can be executed both on the client and server side).

This property is disabled when the Connect to property is set to Form.

Frame name

Defines the name of the frame. The frame name is used to reference the frame as the requested target when a hyperlink or submit button is clicked in another frame. The corresponding HTML code is: <FRAME name="..."...>
