
Details - Display Form Properties (Magic xpa 4.x)

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Created BySalesforce Service User
Approval Process StatusPublished

Details - Display Form Properties (Magic xpa 4.x)

The following properties appear in the Details section for Display forms.



Mobile Support

Window Type

Describes and sets the type of the window, which affects both its appearance and its runtime implications. See Window Type.

Show in Window Menu

Specifies whether the task will appear in the Window menu and whether it can be accessed via navigation events. See Show in Window Menu.

This property is available in Online tasks only.

Form Units

The size and position of controls on a form are defined in terms of form units (units of measurement). Form units also determine the resolution of the form.

You can define a form in dialog units (characters), centimeters, inches, or pixels (Since version: 3.2). A dialog unit is the size of the form’s current font. Use dialog units to maintain the same proportions in a form when using different screen resolutions.

Use the Vertical factor and Horizontal factor properties to determine fractions of dialog units for finer resolution.

Platform specific:

  • On mobile devices, when using the Dialog Units option, the location and size calculation will be based on the default font metrics (5,13).

  • Make sure that your form's font is defined as Microsoft Sans Serif size 8.

  • Since there is an only option of Pixels Form Units in Web Client tasks, it is disabled.

Android and iOS

Vertical Factor

The vertical resolution within each unit of measurement. A higher value gives a finer resolution.

This property is not available in Web Client tasks.

Horizontal Factor

The horizontal resolution within each unit of measurement. A higher value gives a finer resolution.

This property is not available in Web Client tasks.

Show Grid

Specifies whether the Form Designer will appear with a grid.

Note: The Visual Studio-based alignment lines will not be shown if the grid is shown.

Grid X, Grid Y

The distance between the grid dots on the form.

Form Name

The name in the Form Designer. This name appears in the title bar of the form. You have the option to select an expression that, when evaluated at runtime, returns the form title.

In Web Client tasks, this field must not start with a digit, or contain spaces or the special characters `~:!@#$%^&*()-_=+[{}]|',?<>./\"'; The Form Name must be unique to a task.

See also:

How Do I Show a Dynamic Form Title?

How Do I Dynamically Set the Caption for a Window?

Android and iOS



It is a Read-Only, free-floating property that displays the number of items in the custom properties list for this specific form or control. You can access it by zooming-in to it.

Since version: 4.0

See also: Web Client Custom Properties Property

Persistent Form State

Specifies whether the form keeps its state or whether the persistency data will not be saved.

See also FormStateClear.

Since version: Rich Client support: 1.9; Online support: 2.0

When Persistent Form State is set to Yes, the number of frozen columns are retained in the following times. Since version: 4.6

This property is not available in Web Client tasks.

See also How Do I Keep the End User’s Form Customization?

Persistent Form State Version

Specifies the version of the form design. Changes made to the form during runtime will only be kept if the version of the form design is the same as the version defined in this property. This property is only enabled when the Persistent Form State property is set to Yes. This property does not affect the Runtime Form Designer.

Since version: 3.3

This property is not available in Web Client tasks.

Context Menu

The context menu for the form.

You can set a different context menu for the controls on the form.

If you select the Pulldown menu from the Context Menu property, the pulldown menu will be displayed in the form's context menu.

See also: Context Menu

How Do I Set a Default Context Menu for All Controls of a Form?

This property is not available in Web Client tasks.

Android and iOS

Allow Drop

Enables the dropping of data onto the form from other controls in the same project or other projects that run on the same machine. The data copied on to the form can be set manually by defining a handler over the Drop event or automatically by the Magic xpa engine.

Note: An expression set for this property is only evaluated when the task is loaded.

Since version: Rich Client support: 1.9

This property is not available in Web Client tasks.

Automatic Z-order

In Automatic mode, the Z-order of each control is set automatically. Manual mode requires you to manually set the Z-order of each control.

This property is not available in Web Client tasks.

Android and iOS
