Deploying Web Requesters and SOAP Servers (Magic xpi 4.13)
In the configuration shown in the diagram below, the Web and SOAP servers are deployed separately, on a front-end server residing in the DMZ firewall. This server requires a different setup sequence.

· For the Web requester, IIS7 is required.
· For the Java Web requester, Apache Tomcat 7 or above is required.
On the Web service server located at the DMZ, you should install Magic xpi with the following configuration:
· In the Database settings, choose to install the database later.
· Clear the Install the Grid Service Agent (GSA) as a service check box.
· To enable the front-end server to connect to the Space, define the same value for the locators that you defined for the rest of the application servers.
Since the Magic xpi service will not be running on this machine, it will only be used to host the external requesters and will not run any of the grid components or the Magic xpi engines.
As of Magic xpi 4.0a, for the Java Web requester, follow the instructions contained in a readme PDF file called Magic xpi - Java-Based Installation Instructions.pdf. This PDF is found at:
<Magic xpi installation>\Runtime\Support\JavaWebRequester\Tomcat