Deploying Applications on GigaSpaces (Magic xpa 4.x)
This guide provides recommendations and guidelines for deploying Magic xpa projects in a high-availability, clustered environment using the GigaSpaces middleware. The guide covers all topics required to achieve a highly redundant, secure and scalable environment.
The guide will describe the steps for installing and configuring a small-scale server cluster with three application servers, one database server, one front-end web server, and shared file system (SMB) storage, as illustrated in the following diagram:

The recommended deployment method is to install Magic xpa on each node that participates in the cluster (APP1, APP2, and APP3 in the example above), and to deploy the project metadata to a shared network folder.
Out of the application servers, two machines need to be allocated to serve as Lookup Service (LUS) servers. These two machines provide name resolution services for the cluster.
Installation Overview with GigaSpaces
Running the GigaSpaces Infrastructure
Testing that an Application Can Connect to the Space
Running Your Magic xpa Projects
Deploying Web Requesters on Different Servers (Optional)
Firewall Settings
Space Clustering SLA
Space Deployment
GigaSpaces Terminology