Defining the Projects (Magic xpi 4.1)
The new Magic Monitor locates the Space using the settings defined in the run_displayserver.bat file, which is located under the <Magic xpi installation>\RTView\magicmonitor folder.
If you are using the legacy Monitor to view multiple projects, you have to define the projects folder that the Monitor should use.
To define the location of the projects folder:
From the Environment menu, select Multi Projects. This opens the Multiple Projects dialog box.
Enter information in the fields as described in the table below:
Projects Folder
You have to enter the name and full path of the main projects folder. You can click the browse button to select the folder. This field also supports environment variables.
Refresh Rate (seconds)
You should enter a number to define, in seconds, how often the information is updated in the Monitor view.
GigaSpaces Discovery Settings
Space Name
This read-only value is taken from the SpaceName flag in the Magic.ini file's [MAGICXPI_GS] section the first time that the MgxpiMonitor.EXE file is loaded.
Lookup Group
This read-only value is taken from the LookupGroupName flag in the Magic.ini file's [MAGICXPI_GS] section the first time that the MgxpiMonitor.EXE file is loaded.
Lookup Locators
This read-only value is taken from the LookupLocators flag in the Magic.ini file's [MAGICXPI_GS] section the first time that the MgxpiMonitor.EXE file is loaded.
When you click OK, the Monitor performs a validity check to verify that the server and password information you entered is correct. Once the Monitor has successfully connected to the server, the projects that are connected to the server are shown in the Magic xpi Monitor – Projects View window. The projects are displayed in a list that indicates whether they are running or not.
If you entered incorrect information in the Multiple Projects dialog box, the Monitor displays a message indicating that it could not connect to the Space. You are returned to the dialog box to modify the details that you entered. You should check that the information in each field is correct. This is because the Monitor cannot ascertain which information is incorrect. The validity check only checks the connection, not which information is correct.