The following How-to topics deal with defining data sources in Magic xpa:
How Do I Create a Database Table Using Magic xpa?
How Do I Access an Existing Database Table?
How Do I Retrieve Data from a Database View?
How Do I Alter a Database Table Definition?
How Do I Define the Mapping Between a Magic xpa Field and a Database Column?
How Do I Set Data Source Mappings to Support Working with Multiple DBMSs?
How Do I Define a Table Entry for Non-Persistent Data?
How Do I Retrieve Records from a Database Table in a Predefined Order?
How Do I Browse a Database Table?
How Do I Dump Data from a Database Table to a Text File?
How Do I Load Data to a Database Table from a Text File?
How Do I Fetch Data from a Database Table a Single Time for the Whole Application?
How Do I Determine the Bulk Size When Fetching Records from a Database Table?
How Do I Dynamically Set a Data Source Name?